Peace and Security Development

  1. Conduct risk awareness analysis in order to understand and anticipate the effects of conflict;
  2. Ensure that development programmes have no negative impact and do not escalate tensions; and
  3. Use regular development programmes to promote peace and security.

CJPSL works to the principle that three key elements constitute the foundation of conflict. Termed, ‘The Conflict Triangle’, these are:

  • Attitudes: ranging from the pursuit of conflict to attempts to find peaceful solutions;
  • Behaviour: unequal distribution of land, lack of political influence or respect for human rights and ethnic discrimination; and
  • Root Causes: fear, greed, a sense of insecurity or marginalisation.

Three types of interventions address each of the three corners of the Conflict Triangle and promote peace and security:

  • Promoting Dialogue: programmes on the culture of violence, education, media, reconciliation, mediation and other activities that influence citizen awareness and opinion, and/or address violent behaviour;
  • Promoting Security: activities such as civil peace monitoring, observer functions, information distribution, monitoring, disarmament, demobilisation and collection/destruction of small arms and light weapons, and de-mining; and
  • Promoting structural stability: activities such as weapons control and SSR. Other programmes with more indirect impact are poverty reduction, economic growth, democracy and governance, a pluralistic media, human rights, HIV/AIDS prevention, reduction of corruption, and sustainable use and control of natural resources.